Telegram offers an amazing programmed chat bot service. Telegram and its bot platform are now more profound than ever, and since our last post, has seen its user base explode. There are a lot of things in which some of these bots are better than their app counterparts. So, today we bring you a list of 9 Telegram bots that are absolutely essential for every Telegram user.
To find the bots in telegram just search for it on the Telegram search bar or click on the bot name in the list below. We had previously covered the best telegram client for android and for pc. 
  1. Watchbot:  A bot to monitor your website.This bot can prove helpful for any blogger or web developer. It can help him keep an eye on the current condition of their website.(UP or DOWN).
  2. URL Uploader: A Quick way to upload files to telegram by url.
  3. Maximum file size allowed:500MB
    Daily upload limit:1GB.
    This bot can prove helpful if you want you to download a file that has link timeout. That is the download link will only be available to your ip for say 10min and the file size is more than the size your net connection can download in the time period then just share the link with this bot it will upload the file onto telegram and you can download it from telegram to your computer anytime!
  4. URL Pro: Expand shortened urls and shorten long urls.
  5. Translate_Bot: Translates text from any language.
  6. Youtube Watcher: Be notified whenever your favourite Youtube channel posts a video.
  7. Mannu: A personal finance assistant for Indian sock market (NSE and BSE). Its the best bot for Indian Stock Market that i have come across till date.
  8. Feed Reader Bot: It monitors Facebook/Youtube/Twitter accounts, and sends messages when new posts are made.
There are many other bots in Telegram, all of them are unique in their own ways and represent the individual visions of various budding programmers. If you find a good bot that isn’t mentioned here, do mention it to us in the comments section down below.

That's all for now!
Send your suggestions to @appchoosebot, @appchooseblog or @appchoose.official.
Find out more about the authors here. Check out our previous posts here.
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Find the full list of social media accounts, bots and channels here.