RedReader is the app of the week. It is a free and open source client for Reddit that is regularly updated.
The following are the features it offers:
  • Swipe posts and comments left and right to perform customizable actions, such as upvote/downvote, or save/hide.
  • Advanced cache management - automatically stores past versions of posts and comments.
  • Support for multiple accounts.
  • Two-column tablet mode (can be used on your phone, if it's big enough)
  • Image precaching (optional: always, never, or Wi-Fi only).
  • Built in image viewer, and GIF player.
  • Support for imgur albums and gifv files
  • Compression
  • Pitch Black mode (Night mode)
RedReader (Appchoose)
Using it: 
Open up RedReader, then sign into Reddit (if you want). Once you do you’ll see your usual list of links, alongside your list of subreddits. Within a subreddit you can upvote and downvote a post/comment by swiping left or right respectively. You can list the posts/comments by hot(default), new, rising, controversial, top. You can reply to a post using the "Reply" option in the menu accessible via the option menu button in the top right corner of your smartphone screen. The main speciality we observed in the app is the pitch black theme it has.

That's all for now!
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