WhatsApp will no longer be available from blackberry app store after 30 June 2017. However, if you have a device running the BlackBerry10 OS, there's a way around it. In this post we detail the steps to download and start using Whatsapp on a Blackberry10 device.

We’ve tested this method with the BlackBerry Z10, Passport and the BlackBerry Classic and got WhatsApp working smoothly on each of them.

For more Blackberry10 exclusive content and apks follow our Blackberry10 Channel on Telegram.

New Method Updated Sept. 2017,
  1. Go to https://www.whatsapp.com/android/ and hit on "Download Now" button. 
    On our Blackberry10 Channel on Telegram where we upload the latest apk from the above mentioned site. 
    For those of you who are not familiar, telegram is a messaging app with added bot and channel functionality. You can find a list of awesome telegram bots here.
  2. Whatsapp apk will be downloaded onto your device.
  3. Tap on the apk file and install the app. Accept any permissions asked during installation.
  4. Upon completion you have successfully installed Whatsapp onto your blackberry device.
In order to download any apk on your blackberry just read this post.

That's all for now!
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