Reader mode removes various distractions from a website. only the article, headlines, links and pictures will be displayed. Everything else is removed to give you a clean reading experience. It can be found on Mozilla’s Firefox and Apple’s Safari.
Chrome for Android does have a built-in reader mode of its own, Chrome for desktop does not have that feature. Fortunately for desktop Chrome users, an extension called Mercury Reader provides you a reader mode.
Once the extension is installed:
- A “rocket” icon can be found next to the address bar.
- When an article is opened, clicking on the rocket icon will cause Mercury Reader to display that specific article as a blog post.
- The “gear” icon located at the upper right hand corner of the article can be used to adjust the text size, font and theme in reader mode.
- You’ll also be able to share articles to social media or via email as the reader mode houses Facebook, Twitter and Email button at the bottom of the article.
- Clicking on either of the buttons will open up a window that allows you to manually share the article on the spot.
That's all for now!
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