Follow our telegram channel that focuses on FireTV Stick here. If netspeed seems to be low try the instructions mentioned in our previous post: Problem Fixed: Amazon Fire TV Internet Speed too low!!"No Internet Connection" may be shown because of the following reasons,
- Netspeed service not be able to run but can access internet elsewhere,
- Some apps not able to access internet:
This may be due to Too high ping time for our server. This may be the problem with your DNS service and can be resolved at your end/your ISP's end rather quickly. This error can also occur when ISP is testing new configuration. So contacting your service provider may provide a further insight to this issue.
You can access google services pretty fast during this time, eg. Youtube. - Internet connection faulty: What may seem to be a network problem connecting to the Internet is sometimes simply the URL destination being temporarily offline.Check if Net connection available by looking at your Modem/Router. You can also check this by visiting several popular Web sites on the device. will allow you to check if it is a Net Neutrality like issue.
- Avoid IP conflicts: If more than one device on the network have the same IP address, the conflict between them will prevent either from working properly online. You can find ways to fix this by a quick google search.
- Broadband Router or Access Point Malfunctions: Failures are often caused by thermal throttling, excessive traffic, or simply an older unit going bad. So contacting your device manufacturer's customer care may provide a further insight to this issue.
For any help contact us @ email, @telegram .
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I just installed CYBERGHOST VPN and it is on. When I do a speed test it basically says speed is too low for testing. So I turned off the VPN then preform the speed test and it is back to normal. Any suggestions???I am at