Fire TV OS 6 and above lacks the accessibility service options to be able to enable Overlay permission for any app, so, we use the below mentioned method to enable overlay permission for our app in order for it to be able to display Time and Netspeed on your TV.

A new method to enable overlay on TVs is now available via Fire Tablet/ Android device, specific to Time Netspeed overlay. In order to enable overlays via your PC skip this section and scroll down.
The steps to enable overlay on TVs via Fire Tablet/ Android device are detailed below:
  1. First install Time Netspeed monitor on your TV.
  2. Then download ADB Remote, Keyboard & Shell on an android device you have.
  3. Open and enter your TV's IP address.
  4. Find your TV's Local IP address in settings or download download Wireless File Manager on your TV and find local IP address.
  5. Open TV Remote, Keyboard & ADB Shell and enter <local-ip-address> and port number as 5555 and select connect.
  6. Now select "Enable Time Netspeed monitor on this device".
  7. Then if the Time Netspeed monitor is already open; restart/ reopen the app.
If it doesn't work perform steps 6 & 7 again after 5-10 seconds.
    Now the app should function correctly on your TV.
The following steps have to be followed in order to enable Overlay permission using your PC/Mac.
    1. Download the SDK Platform Tools for Windows, Mac, or Linux.
    2. Extract the ZIP file somewhere easily accessible (like C:\platform-tools). 
    3. Ensure that your TV and the computer are connected to the same network.
    4. On your Android TV/FireTV:
      • From the main screen of your Fire TV, select Settings.
      • Select Device > Developer Options.
      • Turn on ADB Debugging.
    5. Find your TV's Local IP address in settings or download download Wireless File Manager on your TV and find local IP address.
    6. Open the unzipped platform-tools folder then, 
    7. On Windows: Shift+Right Clickand select Open command prompt here / type cmd in the file explorer URL space provided and hit enter. Then, if powershell is opened type:"start cmd", then enter the following lines of code sequentially in the the terminal/cmd window opened
        • adb connect localIPaddress(replace the underlined part with your TVs IP):5555
          adb connect
        • Click on "allow" in the popup asking for permission that appears on your TV if "vendor keys is not set" is shown in command prompt window
        • adb shell
        • For the version downloaded from Google Play Store enter,
          appops set visnkmr.apps.timenetspeed SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow
        • For the version downloaded from Amazon AppStore enter,
          appops set io.github.visnkmr.tvnetspeed SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow
        • For the ytoverlay app downloaded from Github enter,
          appops set visnkmr.apps.ytoverlay SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow
    8.  On MacOS: Open a terminal window. Navigate to the folder by simply dragging and dropping the unzipped platform-tools folder into the Terminal window, then enter the following lines of code sequentially in the the terminal/cmd window opened
        • ./adb connect localIPaddress(replace the underlined part with your IP):5555
          example,    ./adb connect
        • Click on "allow" in the popup asking for permission that appears on your TV if vendor keys is not set is shown in command prompt window
        • ./adb shell
        • For the version downloaded from Google Play Store / Github enter,
          appops set visnkmr.apps.timenetspeed SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow
        • For the version downloaded from Amazon AppStore enter,
          appops set io.github.visnkmr.tvnetspeed SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow
        • For the ytoverlay app downloaded from Github enter,
          appops set visnkmr.apps.ytoverlay SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow
    9. That's all!! Now open the app, it should function correctly on your TV.

    That's all for now!
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